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Force Piwik to recreate all archived stats

Stanislav KhromovStanislav Khromov

If you have enabled “Piwik archiving” and want to to recreate all your reports, you need to perform two steps:

First, remove all database tables that start with:

Second, run the following command, with archive.php pointing to the correct path on your Piwik install:

php /var/www/piwik/misc/cron/archive.php --force-all-websites --force-all-periods=157788000 --url=

Update 2015-03-30
The old snippet above still works, but Piwik 2.12 and up now recommends using the following command instead:

php /var/www/piwik/console core:archive --force-all-websites --force-all-periods=157788000 --url=

This will recreate all reports for up to five years back in time. Beware that it can take a long time to finish.

Web Developer at Aftonbladet (Schibsted Media Group)
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Comments 3
  • Roy
    Posted on

    Roy Roy

    Reply Author


  • Schroeffu
    Posted on

    Schroeffu Schroeffu

    Reply Author

    Your second code line is missing a whitespace:
    php /var/www/piwik/console core:archive –force-all-websites>>>>> –force-all-periods=157788000 –url=

    but thanks for that snippet