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WordPress Object-oriented plugin skeleton

Stanislav KhromovStanislav Khromov

A quick OOP pattern / skeleton for creating WordPress plugins.

Plugin Name: Your Plugin
Plugin URI:
Description: Your plugin skeleton
Version: 1.0
Author: you
Author URI:
License: GPL2

/* The class encapsulates the plugin and its functions */
class Your_Plugin
    /* Put any plugin variables here */
    var $plugin_variable;

    /* The constructor will be used to setup actions and filters */
    function __construct()
         * Set a plugin variable
        $this->plugin_variable = 'test';

         * Hook on plugins_loaded. This is the first hook available to regular plugins.
         * It happens when all plugins have been initialized and is the best place to put your logic.
        add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'plugin_loaded'));

        /* Optionally, add additional hooks here. */

     * Put your main plugin logic here!
    function plugin_loaded()
        /* Here is how to call a function inside your class: */
        $sum = $this->add(1,2);

     * A plugin function that adds
     * two numbers together and
     * returns them.
     * @param $var1
     * @param $var2
     * @return mixed
    function add($var1, $var2)
        return $var1+$var2;

/* This initiates your plugin */
$your_plugin = new Your_Plugin();

Interfacing with your plugin

Interfacing with your plugin is possible by either calling the global you created (last line), like this:

global $your_plugin;
$sum = $your_plugin->add(1,2);

If you hooked on plugins_loaded, this can be done pretty much anywhere – other plugins, themes, you name it!

Another popular pattern is creating a global function helper inside your plugin.

 * Here is how to create a global function
 * for your plugin.
function your_plugin_add($var1, $var2)
    global $your_plugin;
    return $your_plugin->add($var1,  $var2);

And here is how you would call the global function in that case:

 * Here is how to call the external function:
$sum = your_plugin_add(1,2);

Full-stack impostor syndrome sufferer & Software Engineer at Schibsted Media Group

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