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Creating dynamic sliders with Soliloquy for free

Stanislav KhromovStanislav Khromov

I wanted to create a simple dynamic slider using Advanced Custom Fields, but Soliloquy does not have this option out of the box. After poking around the source of Soliloquy I found the filter soliloquy_custom_slider_data which lets us add our own slider data. Here is the required code to dynamically generate a slider. (This code is not ACF-specific, you can use any data source.)

Your slider will be available using the shortcode:

[soliloquy type="frontpage"]

The code to generate this dynamic slider:

add_filter('soliloquy_custom_slider_data', function($data, $atts, $post) {

    //Bail early if not our slider type
    if(isset($atts['type']) && $atts['type'] !== 'frontpage') {
        return $data;

    $data_dynamic = [
        'id' => 0,
        'slider' => [
            //This is where you enter all your dynamic slides!
            //72 and 73 below are the IDs of the image attachments used in the slider. 
            72 => [
                'status' => 'active',
                'id' => 72,
                'attachment_id' => 72,
                'title' => 'Image title',
                'link' => '',
                'alt' => 'Alt text',
                'caption' => 'Caption',
                'type' => 'image',
                'linktab' => 0
            73 => [
                'status' => 'active',
                'id' => 73,
                'attachment_id' => 73,
                'title' => 'Image title',
                'link' => '',
                'alt' => 'Alt text',
                'caption' => 'Caption',
                'type' => 'image',
                'linktab' => 0
        'config' => [
            //This is the general slider config
            'type' => 'default',
            'slider_theme' => 'base',
            'slider_width' => 1080,
            'slider_height' => 400,
            'transition' => 'fade',
            'duration' => 5000,
            'speed' => 400,
            'gutter' => 20,
            'slider' => 1,
            'aria_live' => 'polite',
            'classes' => [
            'title' => '',
            'slug' => '',
            'rtl' => 0

    return $data_dynamic;
}, 11, 3);

I am using Soliloquy Lite, although I’m sure this works with the paid options as well. You can also easily create multiple dynamic sliders, each pulling data from different sources.

Web Developer at Aftonbladet (Schibsted Media Group)
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Comments 1
  • Joost Weddepohl
    Posted on

    Joost Weddepohl Joost Weddepohl

    Reply Author

    Hi Stanislav,

    This is awesome! Was looking for this. Where can I apply the code?

    Thanks and thumbs up!