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How to cache the wp_oembed_get() function

Stanislav KhromovStanislav Khromov

The wp_oembed_get() function is not cached by default. Unfortunately, many themes (like Elegant Themes Divi) still use it which leads to your page making many background requests to YouTube and similar video embedding sites. This slows down your pageloads since WordPress has to wait for YouTube to response before showing your page.

If you’re not able to fix your theme, you can add the code below into an mu-plugin or into your themes functions.php file. It will cache embeds that are using wp_oembed_get(). Please note that embeds that fail to resolve (for example: deleted youtube video) will still not be cached. This is due to the way wp_oembed_get() works internally and is not trivial to fix.

 * Cache wp_oembed_get()
 * Version: 1.0

define('CUSTOM_OEMBED_CACHE_KEY', 'coc_');

function _wp_custom_oembed_cache_key($url, $args) {
  $args_serialized = serialize($args);
  return CUSTOM_OEMBED_CACHE_KEY . md5("{$url}-{$args_serialized}");

 * This function caches the result
add_filter('oembed_result', function($data, $url, $args) {
  // Cache result
  set_transient(_wp_custom_oembed_cache_key($url, $args), $data, DAY_IN_SECONDS);
  return $data;
}, 999, 3);

 * This function serves the cached result
add_filter('pre_oembed_result', function($result, $url, $args) {

  // Clean out empty oembed calls caused by Divi
  if(trim($url) === '') {
    return '';

  // Return cached result if available
  if($cached_result = get_transient(_wp_custom_oembed_cache_key($url, $args))) {
    return $cached_result;

  return $result;
}, 2, 3);

Full-stack impostor syndrome sufferer & Software Engineer at Schibsted Media Group

Comments 2
  • Mads Phikamphon
    Posted on

    Mads Phikamphon Mads Phikamphon

    Reply Author

    This trick fixed my performance issue when I wrapped Instagram urls in wp_oembed_get(). Thanks a lot for sharing the trick!

  • Rasso
    Posted on

    Rasso Rasso

    Reply Author

    Hi there, TIL you can also use WP’s own caching functionality for that. Instead of using wp_oembed_get, use this snippet:
    global $wp_embed;
    $video_url = ‘’;
    echo $wp_embed->shortcode( array(), $video_url );