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Migrating a WordPress Site From HTTP to HTTPS with WP-CLI

Stanislav KhromovStanislav Khromov

It’s as easy as:

Take a backup

wp db export

Test rewriting from HTTP to HTTPS

wp search-replace '' '' --dry-run

If everything is looking good, it’s time to rewrite:

wp search-replace '' ''

Some tutorials recommend adding the --skip-columns=guid flag. The train of thought is that old posts will be visible to RSS readers as new ones. I don’t think this is a big problem, and it’s much cleaner to not keep non-SSL urls in your database. It can also cause issues if you are using the GUID field to grab image urls/ids from attachments. (It’s a very popular way of mapping a URL to an attachment ID). With that in mind, I find it’s best to omit this flag.


Full-stack impostor syndrome sufferer & Software Engineer at Schibsted Media Group

Comments 3
  • Anh Tran
    Posted on

    Anh Tran Anh Tran

    Reply Author

    I really love WP-CLI and search-replace is my favorite command!

  • R Green
    Posted on

    R Green R Green

    Reply Author

    Thanks, this was useful. One thing I did wrong the first time was to put a slash after the domain name. For best results use and not With the trailing slash it missed some instances. Also, here is a command you can run afterward to check your work:
    wp search-replace ‘http://’ ‘https://’ –log –dry-run | less
    This shows you all remaining instances of http:// in the database. (Don’t run this without –dry-run or you’ll need that backup!)