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Sending emails to multiple users when WordPress goes into recovery mode

Stanislav KhromovStanislav Khromov

WordPress 5.2 pioneered a new “Recovery mode” feature that can notify site administrators by email if their site experiences a fatal error.

By default, the email is sent to either an email configured under the RECOVERY_MODE_EMAIL constant or the user that created the website (admin_email option).

If you want this email to multiple addresses, you can use the snippet below in your themes functions.php or in a plugin. Configure the extra address on line 6.

add_filter('recovery_mode_email', function($email, $url) {
  $email_array = [];
  $email_array[] = $email['to'];

  // Adds another email
  $email_array[] = '';

  $email['to'] = $email_array;

  return $email;
}, 10, 2);

Full-stack impostor syndrome sufferer & Software Engineer at Schibsted Media Group

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