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Redeploy all Convox apps in a rack using CLI and set RedirectHttps=No for selected apps

Stanislav KhromovStanislav Khromov

Convox recently started redirecting http to https but allows you to keep this behaviour by setting the apps param RedirectHttps=No. This script automates redeploying all applications in your current rack and lets you apply the RedirectHttps parameter to certain apps. (UPGRADE_HTTP_APPS)

Save as upgrade.php and run using php upgrade.php. (Authenticated Convox CLI is required)


define('RACK', 'org/rack');
define('UPGRADE_HTTP_APPS', ['my-http-app', 'my-second-http-app']);

exec('convox switch ' . RACK, $ret);

$appsCommandResult = [];
exec('convox apps', $appsCommandResult);

$apps = [];

// Get list of apps
foreach($appsCommandResult as $result) {
  $matches = null;
  preg_match('/([\w-_]*).*/', $result, $matches);

  if(isset($matches[1]) && $matches[1] !== 'APP') {
    $apps[$matches[1]] = '';

// For each app, find active release
foreach($apps as $app => $release) {
  $releasesCommandResult = [];
  exec('convox releases -a ' . $app, $releasesCommandResult);

  foreach($releasesCommandResult as $result) {
    $matches = null;
    preg_match('/([\w-_]*).*active.*/', $result, $matches);

    if(isset($matches[1])) {
      $apps[$app] = $matches[1];

foreach($apps as $app => $release) {
  //Promote each app
  $promoteCommand = "convox releases promote {$release} -a {$app} --wait";
  echo $promoteCommand;
  echo "\n";
  $deployCommandResult = '';
  exec($promoteCommand, $deployCommandResult);

  //If in UPGRADE_HTTP_APPS, set RedirectHttps=No
  if(in_array($app, UPGRADE_HTTP_APPS)) {
    $noHttpCommand = "convox apps params set RedirectHttps=No -a {$app} --wait";
    echo $noHttpCommand;
    echo "\n";
    $noHttpCommandResult = '';
    exec($noHttpCommand, $noHttpCommandResult);

Full-stack impostor syndrome sufferer & Software Engineer at Schibsted Media Group

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